Customer's General Protection Policy

Improved Customer’s General Protection Policy:

Thank you for choosing Zona Shoppers to support small businesses. Below, you’ll find details about your rights as our customer and the expectations we have of you. This information is an integral part of our Terms of Use. By utilizing our platform for shopping or browsing, you acknowledge and accept these policies.

About Zona Shoppers:

Zona Shoppers is an e-commerce platform dedicated to empowering small and local businesses by providing them with a marketplace to showcase and sell their products. We strive to offer a diverse range of products from various merchants, ensuring competitive prices and quality offerings. It’s important to note that while we facilitate transactions, Zona Shoppers is not a direct vendor. Transactions conducted on our platform are directly between customers and vendors.

Customer Experience and Protection:

At Zona Shoppers, we prioritize delivering a seamless shopping experience and resolving any issues promptly. Here are some steps we take to ensure your protection:

  • Vendor Verification: We rigorously vet vendors to ensure their legitimacy and reliability.
  • Prohibited Products: We maintain a list of prohibited items to uphold safety standards on our platform.
  • Return-less Policy: To reduce environmental impact, we offer a return-less option where customers receive store credit or a refund without returning the merchandise (specific rules apply, as set by each vendor).

Customers’ Code of Conduct:

To foster positive interactions between customers and vendors, we expect customers to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Maintain open and respectful communication with vendors.
  • Refrain from sending harassing, offensive, or irrelevant messages.
  • Respect vendors’ privacy and commercial rights.
  • Avoid spreading false information or interfering with sales.
  • Adhere to vendors’ policies regarding purchases and returns.

Your Purchases:

When making a purchase on Zona Shoppers, you agree to:

  • Review product descriptions and contact vendors for any queries before purchasing.
  • Ensure all payment information is legitimate and refrain from abusing vendors’ services.
  • Provide accurate and up-to-date information.
  • Comply with Zona Shoppers’ policies and Terms of Use.
  • Respect vendors’ individual policies regarding returns and exchanges.

Leaving Feedback:

Honest and constructive feedback helps maintain transparency and improves the shopping experience for all. When leaving a review, please:

  • Refrain from posting offensive or irrelevant content.
  • Protect your privacy and avoid promoting external entities.
  • Maintain a respectful tone and refrain from making threats or engaging in extortion.

Resolving Issues:

Should you encounter any problems with your order, our dedicated team is here to assist you. Please contact us through various channels, including phone, WhatsApp, email, or our Customer Care & Resolution area.

Situations We Can Assist With:

While we strive to facilitate smooth transactions, there are certain situations beyond our control. However, we’re committed to helping you find a resolution in scenarios such as delayed deliveries, damaged items, or disputes with carriers.

Cancellation and Returns:

Customers can request cancellations or returns, subject to vendors’ policies. Please communicate directly with the vendor through My Account and adhere to their specified procedures.

Requesting Returns, Refunds, or Exchanges:

Customers can initiate return, refund, or exchange requests through My Account, following vendors’ policies. Some vendors offer a return-less option, while others may require the merchandise to be returned. Please review individual vendor policies before making a purchase.

We hope this policy provides clarity and reassurance regarding your rights and responsibilities as a valued customer of Zona Shoppers. If you have any further questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for supporting small businesses through Zona Shoppers!

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